This was what my dinner consisted of I was extremely hungry today which explains my massive plate. I had a side of brussel sprouts and cheese , a mixed salad, and topped it off with the leftover chicken, spinach, cheese, avocado, unions, and pepper mixture I put in my panini earlier. It was amazing with ranch dressing, totally to die for. I'm such a foodie omg but I'm working on it. Thank god I am eating healthier options so kuddos to me lol.
I'm just not in the mood to go out tonight I think I will stay in for the New Year. I'm also a bit irritated everyone is getting on my nerves today so its best I take some me time because I really don't want to get into it with anyone. In just a over people mood right now.
Anyway Happy New Year for the fifteenth time lol.
XOXO MissTinaDiva