Hey everyone, it is so easy to give up but what will that get me? sadness and depression all over again? I refuse, I have come so far and I won't let the Devil bring me down. This entire weight-loss journey is like a rollercoaster from the constant ups and downs. Only the strong will survive and I know I am strong but I can not help but have moments of weakness. There are times when I underestimate myself or over analyze certain situations but who doesn't go through that .Almost four months ago I decided to make a summer weight-loss goal and I have consistently worked hard to accomplish my goal. Now that I am - 6 lbs away I feel stuck. I just want to get there and say "I did it'. Maybe it is a pride thing but I want to finally be able to say I completed something that means so much to me. Fact is even when I do get to 200 lbs I am still going to be fat but I will be smaller then I originally weighed when I started my weight-loss journey. I tend to make things more complex for myself maybe that is because I am a complicated person when it comes to my personal goals. No matter what I am not giving up and I just feel that I need to express myself and get it off my chest. I tend to hold things in especially when it comes to myself because I rather be the person who is there for others and often I create this visage that everything is ok but it really is not. I feel I can express myself more to people who do not know me personally. I am a work in progress and everything takes time. I am willing to work on myself with the good and the bad because I am far from perfect. If anyone claims that working on yourself is easy it really is not because everyday is a battle and we have to be able to overcome many obstacles that are thrown in our direction. I am taking it a day at a time and I have noticed the small changes in myself and progress that I have made thus far. Everything takes time and unfortunately working on becoming a better person inside and out is not an overnight process. Sometimes we need to realize that we must be patient and have faith in ourselves because good things happen to those who wait. I try not to focus too much on being something that I am not or will never be. I can not compare myself to the next person because I will never be something I am not. We all are different so there is no need to compare. Many on the outside are so quick to asses what the next person should be but who are they to judge? only God knows whats best. I am inching closer to my half way goal and I know that being 200 lbs will make me even closer to my ultimate goal of 160 lbs. I do want to focus on my short term goals one step at a time so that I do not get overwhelmed because fact is I have alot of weight to loose. I just want to be skinny and not fat because being fat is not fun but taking steps to being healthy is so worth the wait.
Don't let the negativity bring you down and acknowledge your progress.
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