Hey everyone I just wanted to update you all and let you know that I am doing well and so far this week I worked out twice. I did an hour of Zumba on Sunday, a hour and a half of Zumba yesterday and today I plan to do an hour of Zumba and an hour of dancing to my i pod. I need to figure out what type of exercises to do so I can start weight training especially for my arms. As you all know due to my weight loss my arms have not caught up to my body and remain big and flabby and I really hate it. I really want to start focusing on getting them toned. Cardio is what has helped me loose the weight that I have and I want to continue to keep it as my primary form of working out.As far as eating is concerned I have substituted one of my meals with a 6 inch combo meal because I have been lazy to cook but tomorrow I will be going grocery shopping so no more spending on lunch at subway. Other than that I am proud of myself I have been eating well. Fruit smoothie for breakfast and vegetables and protein for dinner.
Anyway I will be updating again hope your week is going well.