Versatile Blogger Award (Thank You)

Hey Luvs, so I am so happy because I was nominated by one of my favorite Bloggers Geriee. I absolutley love her blog and she is so gorgeous. Her fashion and hair is always on point and you all must check her out Click Here. She is very sweet and her blog will be a guaranteed daily read as it is for me.

Thank You So Much :)
Kreativ Blogger Award Questions

  1. What is your favorite song ? (Ace Hood feat Chris Brown Body to Body)
  2. What is your favorite dessert ? (Klondike Sugar Free Krunch Bar)
  3. What pisses you off ? (Fake people)
  4. What do you do when you are upset ? (Listen to music)
  5. What is your favorite pet? (None I am not a fan of pets)
  6. If you had a choice of Black or White which color would you choose ? (Black)
  7. What is your biggest fear ? (Failure in life)
  8. What is your best feature ? (Personality)
  9. What is your everyday attitude to life ? ("Things can be so much worse than it is so love life and live it to the best that you can")
  10. How would you define perfection ? (Making a plan and sticking to it)
  11. What is your guilty pleasure ? (Blogging)
7 Random Facts About Myself

  1. I have a twin brother
  2. I am a shopaholic
  3. I laugh at alot of things someone else would not
  4. I love daydreaming
  5. I love to txt
  6. I look in the mirror alot
  7. I find that it is hard for me to keep a straight face most of the time


Just Daisy said…
how interesting a twin! That's so freaking cool sorry for the excitement haha I think thats super awesome though and congrats on this award

TinaDiva said…
@daisy lol thanks hun
Just Daisy said…
P.S. I also left you an award on my site :D
TinaDiva said…
@daisy awwww thanks