Wow I can not believe it is the first day of Fall already. Time really flies by and overall this Summer was the best Summer I have had in years. First off I am so happy to have met so many beautiful people inside and out through my blogs, bhm, twitter, youtube, & fb. I can not stress enough how I could not have gotten to my weight loss goal without you all. I am so happy to have an outlet to be myself and be able to share one of the hardest things that I have battled with in my life; which is my weight struggles. Many of us are united through this common bond and it feel great. You all give me the best support one can have and it is truly what keeps me focused. So with that being said thank you and honestly I love you guys : )
April 10, 2011 I made a vow to make this Summer the Summer I actually do something about my unhappiness with my weight and I am glad that I did.
I started off at 247 lbs
(Sorry no full body photos because I hated taking full body photos at that weight)
Here I am reaching my Summer Goal of 200 lbs a few weeks ago.
Here I am at my current weight today at 192 lbs
(Summer Weight Loss - 55 lbs)
I actually exceeded my Summer Weight Loss goal because I wanted to just be 200lbs by the end of the Summer so it is great to be well over that. This journey is not over this and it is just the beginning for me because my next goal is to get to 160 lbs. With - 32 more lbs to loose I am so ready to continue to make my dreams come true. Never in my life have I been able to loose this amount of weight on my own so this is such a huge accomplishment for me. Nothing is impossible and if you want something go for it and do not give up. As many of you who have followed me on my weight loss journey from the beginning you all know I have had my ups and downs and with all of that I still not giving up and neither should you. Everything takes time and that is the reason why I am all for "Transition". The title of my blog "Transitional Vanity" emphasizes the journey it takes to change one's perception of themselves. At my heaviest I thought very negatively of myself and this journey has helped me change that. I am not perfect and I am still growing and learning but overall I am happy with myself and where I have come from to where I am today. I am still a work in progress but those slight changes has helped me tremendously. I hope anyone out there who is looking to feel the same realizes that this journey takes alot of work and time. Sadly there is no quick fix to being happy inside and out. True love is real love from one's self love and that is a constant reminder for myself.
Overall this year has been great and but this Summer has been the best and I am thankful for the Summer of 2011 because it was the Summer I changed my life and I will never forget it.
You give me so much hope, here I am feeling stuck at -40lbs and I'm like if Tina can keep on then I can to!
You look wonderful girl and I can't wait to be as successful as you in my own journey