My New Shoes (Multi Color Glitter Wedges)

Hey everyone so I wanted to show you all my new pair of wedges that I ordered from Brunella Shoes on Facebook. First let me tell you that the Postal Service sent my shoes to my twin brother's address which I do not know why, because I request everything I order online to my address. Well to make a long story short when they attempted to deliver my shoes they sent it to his address and he was not home. They then decided to send my shoes back.  I had to fight to get it to be sent to my address etc and it was so stressful but nonetheless I am happy they sent it back but can you believe after an endless amount of phone calls they sent it back to my brother's address, thankfully he was home so I just overlooked the fact that the Postal Service clearly had me going in circles just to get my shoes. Anyway I went to pick up my shoes at my brother's today after work. I looked like a kid in the candy store tearing up my box inorder to get to my shoes. They were worth the wait because they are so gorgeous in person. Aside from what I had to go through with the Postal Service I just hope for future reference they do not make the same mistake again because I shop online alot and I always have everything sent to my address and refuse to go through what I went through for my shoes. It is is crazy because I have lived at this address most of my life. Anyway this is Brunella's Facebook page She sells all her shoes at a really affordable price, most shoes are under $20.00. I actually heard about her shoes from a Youtuber who made a review of the shoes. . I paid $20.00 for the shoes and with shipping and handling it was $26.99. She currently does not have a website but you can let her know that you are interested in a particular item and she will let you know if she has it or not. Once I told her I was interested in purchasing these shoes she informed me she had only one size available in a 8 so I instantly requested to purchase it. She then sent me a pay pal invoice and that same day she shipped my shoes from Florida which is where she is located. I also did some online browsing and saw that Urban OG has the same shoes it is for $29.40. I love these shoes because I love wedges, glitter and colors. These shoes has everything that I look for in a shoes so I had to get them. My pictures does not do the shoe any justice but it is gorgeous in person and I promise you all it is worth purchasing. I tried them on and they are comfortable and I felt sexy wearing them. I would of taken photos of me wearing them but I need a pedicure lol. I refuse to take pictures of my feet when they are not on point lol.


Kanesha said…
I love these!! are they comfy??
TinaDiva said…
Thanks and they are really comfortable :)
Dre said…
Ahhh I am drooling over these shoes!!!!
TinaDiva said…
LOL thanks they are so cute yet unique