(2011 Summer Shape Up Challenge Week #17)

Goodmorning everyone so today is judgement day and I am reporting to you all as I promised. Weekly Weigh In's are back every Monday. So my first week of August was gladly a success and I am happy with the changes that I have made. I am exercising more and eating more fruits and vegetables aswell. My workout plans has changed. I worked out four days this week for almost three hours each session. I worked out to Zumba Sculpt And Tone, Zumba Live, and Zumba Flat Abs all back to back. I love to dance and this is really working for me. I feel great and look great, my body is becoming more defined and my face is getting smaller and I am really happy. As far as what I am eating well everymorning this week I have had a Mango Smoothie which is so refreshing and gives me a burst of energy to start my day. A few hours after Breakfast I have a piece of fruit. For Lunch I have either another Fruit Smoothie or a Sandwich with a side of vegetables. Then for Dinner I  have a piece of protein with a mixture of mixed vegetables. Lastly for my last snack of the day I have Low Calorie Ice Cream 170 calories or less. I drink water only now so no more Shake And Go's for me lol

I weighed in this morning and I am glad to report that I am 203 lbs yayyyyyyy. So during this entire Summer Weight Loss Challenge which I started the second week of April I am excited to share with you all  that I have lost - 44 lbs in 18 weeks even with the ups & downs of my weight. I am now - 3 lbs away from my Summer Goal and looking back at when I started I did not think this day would come so soon especially because I made it to almost my half way goal of 200 lbs. This journey is not easy but it is worth it because I am learning alot about myself. This is just the beginning and I am so ready to tackle on my ultimate weight loss goal which is 160 lbs. Next week I hope to be 200 lbs from there I will break up my weight loss goals by every 10 lbs. I can not believe I have only -43 more lbs to loose inorder get to my Ultimate Goal. From wear I started when I said  "I want to loose -100 lbs" looking back it seemed like it would take forever but now that I am inching towards my half way goal it does seem attainable. I have constantly tell myself I can and will do this because I have made it this far. If I can do this anyone can. I do not have a personal trainer or a personal chef I am doing everything on my own and with all of your support. This is what is keeps me motivated so thank you all because you all are the best. To even take time to read my blog means alot to 
me. My heaviest was January of 2011 weighing 260 lbs so overall I have lost -57 lbs.

I am hoping to get my hair done in the with in the next one to two weeks.  I promise to get glammed up and take some pictures and put it on my blog because this will be a huge accomplishment for me because I haven't been this weight since my senior year of h.s.
