Hey everyone I woke up yet again feeling refreshed and revived. I am so happy that my cousin convinced me to do a Fruits and Vegetables Detox Challenge. Honestly this is what I needed to regain, purify,and energize, myself. Doing this challenge has made me feel even more determined on my Weight-Loss Journey. I must admit that it was very hard in the beginning but when I had moments of weakness I was able to talk to my cousin and she helped me realize how important it is to stay on track. We provided a great support system for one another. Seriously it is the best feeling to have someone who can relate and motivate you. So Cassandra if you are reading this right now thank you so much and I love you for support because you always keep it real with me.
Thoughts of This Challenge
This challenge really tests your determination because if you are eating nothing but fruits and vegetables it really takes alot for someone to have self control and not binge. I miss Carbs and Protein but the feeling that I have on this detox is priceless.The key to staying on track is not putting yourself in situations to be tempted. July 4th I opted out from going to bbq's because this challenge meant so much to me and I couldn't handle being around alot of foods that I could not have. It was hard for me but I wanted to stay focused on this challenge and not give in. Sometimes we have to do things we may not want to just so we can get somewhere in life. It is best to remind yourself that giving up will make you even farther away from your goal and it is not even worth it in the end. Most people around do not understand or agree with me taking my Weight-Loss Journey so seriously but I am doing what is best for me. I guess to them I am not fun anymore because I am not stuffing myself whenever they are hungry. Oh well I can't please everyone in life.
Anyway this challenge allows you to eat as much Fruits & Vegetables as you would like so you will never feel hungry. Remember it is ok to eat an unlimited amount of Fruits & Vegetables. If you would like you can add protein that is fine aswell. Actually I plan to for this second week to add Protein. The key element on this detox is no Carbs. I will add Carbs after this two weeks challenge but only to maybe once or twice a week but limitedly.
During this challenge I did alot of walking and I exercised atleast three times this week, doing my Zumba DVD Workout.
Weigh In Results
Now on to the results, I started this challenge at 216 lbs on 06/30 I weighed myself this morning 07/06 and I am now 208 lbs. So in one week I have lost - 8 lbs. I am so happy because this is what I needed to get closer to my Summer Goal. This is truly a great feeling and I can not believe how close I am to my Summer Goal. Once I reach 200 lbs I will officially make a new Summer Goal because Summer is not over until September 23 rd I believe. Honestly I have not weighed this amount since my senior year of H.S and although I am not a size 13/14 yet, it feels great to know how close I am. Well everyone stay tuned for my next update on my Week #2 Detox Weigh In on 07/13.