Hey everyone hope all is well, I wanted to check in to let you know I am still focused on achieving my Summer Goal of 200 lbs. As you all know my birthday was on Sunday and that did not give me a reason to fall off track. I am very disciplined and learning to not run to food for emotional purposes. I know that I said I would wait till I get to my Summer Goal to take before and after photos but I decided to take some face profile photos of myself this morning and I compared it with photos I took of myself when I first started this Summer Challenge in April. Wow I can really see a difference in my appearance and this is letting me know I am progressing. I will take some more comparisons photos once I hit 200 lbs this is just a teaser. I am almost there and I can not wait so I can focus on my next goal.
This is a side by side face profile photo comparison of me at my heaviest at 260 lbs to today 217lbs 06/14/2011
Stay Tuned More updates to come.