(2011 Summer Shape Up Challenge Week #10)

Goodmorning everyone I just wanted to check in really quick. I weighed in this morning and I am now 215 lbs from 217 lbs. I lost 2 lbs this week and I am happy to be progressing but I expected more of a weightloss for the week.  This week was "TOM" and I know how it is but I am glad I did not gain any weight, there is always next week. My goal for the month is to loose 10 lbs. I have lost 5 lbs left and I have two weeks to loose  these 5 lbs to fulfill my goal. I am going to switch it up next week and I want to do some form of challenge. I was thinking of doing a Breakfast Oatmeal Challenge or a No Carb Challenge. I am not sure yet I will give it some thought and let you all know because I will start the challenge tomorrow.
