Hey my Luvs, Im back for another update today is day # 5 yayyyyyyyy I am still on track working real hard as promised. I guess it takes having a wake up call make you really fight to do something that you know you life and happiness depends on. So today was a pretty calm day no work and as you know off from school so today i ran errands and also went to the gym. I did a 50 minute work out of pure cardio from the treadmill to the elliptical I did and had a great burn not to mention sweat alot aswell.
I also made myself a breakfast wrap with spinach, tomato,bacon. avocado, and bacon it was simply devine.
I also meal prepped for the week I made chicken, mixed vegetables, fish, and a spinach mixture. I love spices especially on my food so I am heavy handed at times lol but I love for my food to taste really good especially if I am eating it. Let me also note that the seasonings I use do not contain salt aswell. I know I also need to use less olive oil but my problem is I need new pans because they are are not non stick and it is torture to clean after and the oil makes it easier to cook but I do plan to purchase brand new non stick cookware soon.
I hope you all are working towards your fitness goals for the New Year don't give up remember you can do it.
XOXO MissTinaDiva